Ancient Chinese Military
Camouflage Suits
East Indian British Regiments




1st Bengal Lancers

4th Madras Lancers

Bhaonagar Lancers

Puttiala Lancers

Central India Horse

1st Punjab Cavalry

West India Regiment

Sierra Leone Royal Artillery

Military uniforms comprises standardized dress worn by members of the armed forces and paramilitaries  of various nations. Military dress and military styles have gone through great changes over the centuries from colourful and elaborate to extremely utilitarian. Military uniforms in the form of standardized and distinctive dress, intended for identification and display, are typically a sign of organized military forces equipped by a central authority.

Shang Dynasty (1600BC~1046BC)

Shang Dynasty (1600BC~1046BC)


Qin Dynasty (221BC~207BC)


Qin Dynasty (221BC~207BC)


Western Han Dynasty (206 BC–AD 9)


Western Han Dynasty (206 BC–AD 9)


Three Kingdoms (220~265)


Southern and Northern Dynasties (420~589)


Sui Dynasty (581–618)


Tang Dynasty (618–907)


Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms (907–960)



Song Dynasty (960~1279)


Liao Dynasty (916~1125)


Jin Dynasty (1115~1234)


Western Xia (1038~1227)


Ming Dynasty (1368~1644)


Qing Dynasty (1644~1911)



Modern Camouflage Suits



Green Dragon Society